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3.75 CAD
3.80 CAD
Timed auction
Lot location
Morinville, Alberta
Travis Nikiforuk Has been in 4H for 11 years. He has 2 projects a carcass and Market steer, Named Jake. Travis will be going into his 2nd year at Lakeland College in Vermillion and is taking Crop Tech. He has enjoyed his time in 4H as this is his last year, going forward with future endeavors.
Bon Accord 4-H Online Steer Auction Sale
Venue address
25021 Township Rd 554
Morinville, AB
T8R 2G4
Bon Accord 4-H Online Steer Auction Sale

The Bon Accord 4-H Club as well as GD Auctions and Appraisals thank you for considering the purchase of one of these fantastic beef steers.

Weights of steers were taken on May 15th, 2021 and are booked at Country Quality Meats for May 27th, 2021. Buyers are responsible for cut and wrap fees.

Bids are taken on a per pound basis in increments of $0.05.

Example: Steer Weight X Bid Price = Sale Price

                 1200 Lbs x $2.00 Per Lbs = $2,400

If you wish to purchase a steer at the sale strictly for promotional purposes and do not wish to retain the beef, we will handle delivery of the animal to VJV in Westlock for resale on May 28th.

For other arrangements, please contact, Maureen Young 780-913-8641

Auction dates
Starts: May 19, 2021 12:00 PM MT
Ends from: May 25, 2021 05:00 PM MT
Auction currency
Other payment methods

Terms and Conditions:

All invoicing and cheque payments will be handled directly by Bon Accord 4H.

Bids are taken on a per pound basis in increments of $0.05.  

Example: Steer Weight X Bid Price = Sale Price

                 1200 Lbs x $2.00 Per Lbs = $2,400

Bidding extensions of 1 minute are active for this sale, meaning any bid arriving within the last 1 minute of the lots closing time, an additional 1 minute will be added to the lots closing time.

The Bon Accord 4-H Club as well as GD Auctions and Appraisals thank you for considering the purchase of one of these fantastic beef steers. All the members have worked hard to produce a superb crop of finished beef.

Weights of steers were taken on May 15th, 2021 and are booked at Country Quality Meats for May 27th, 2021. Buyers are responsible for cut and wrap fees.

Bids are taken on a per pound basis in increments of $0.05. 

Example: Steer Weight X Bid Price = Sale Price

                 1200 Lbs x $2.00 Per Lbs = $2,400

If you wish to purchase a steer at the sale strictly for promotional purposes and do not wish to retain the beef, we will handle delivery of the animal to VJV in Westlock for resale on May 28th.

If you wish to make other arrangements, please contact, Maureen Young 780-913-8641

On behalf of all the members of the Bon Accord 4-H Beef Club, thank you very much for considering the purchase of this fantastic locally, responsibly raised Alberta beef.



Terms and Conditions:

All invoicing and cheque payments will be handled directly by Bon Accord 4H.

Bids are taken on a per pound basis in increments of $0.05.  

Example: Steer Weight X Bid Price = Sale Price

                 1200 Lbs x $2.00 Per Lbs = $2,400

Bidding extensions of 1 minute are active for this sale, meaning any bid arriving within the last 1 minute of the lots closing time, an additional 1 minute will be added to the lots closing time.