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Unreserved Timed Online Auction of Assets No Longer Required For Operations of MET, Calgary Location (Metropolitan Fine Printers)
Venue address
Unit #6, 49 Aero Drive N.E.
Calgary, AB
T2E 8Z9
Unreserved Timed Online Auction of Assets No Longer Required For Operations of MET, Calgary Location (Metropolitan Fine Printers)

This online auction is subject to a soft closing/bidding extensions.

GD Auctions & Appraisals is excited to bring you the Unreserved Timed Online Auction of Assets No Longer Required For Operations of MET, Calgary Location (Metropolitan Fine Printers) features:  Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 52-5-P-L Printing Press, Heidelberg Suprasetter Plate Setter, Heidelberg Stitchmaster ST100 Saddle Stitcher, MBO B30 4/4/4 Feed Paper Folder, MBO T49-P 4/4 Feed Paper Folder, Heidelberg SBB Cylinder Die Cutter, Heidelberg GT Foil Platen,  (3) Xerox Digital Presses, CAT EP15T-36A Electric Forklift, Pallet Racking, Digital Stock Paper & SO MUCH MORE!


Viewing Monday January 23- 9am-4pm at Unit #6, 49 Aero Drive NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8Z9.



Auction dates
Starts: Jan 09, 2023 10:00 AM MT
Ends from: Jan 24, 2023 10:00 AM MT
Viewing dates
Jan 23, 2023 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM MT
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There are 147 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
Xerox Versant 3100 Digital Colour Press.
6,000 CAD
Xerox iGen 150 Digital Colour Press.
5,150 CAD
Lot of (2) Sections EZ-Rect Shelving.
220 CAD
100 CAD
Graphiclite PDV 5,000 Kelvin Professional Desktop Viewing Booth.
75 CAD
150Kg Portable Ink Scale.
12 CAD
Lot of (5) Sections Metal Shelving.
180 CAD
Lot of Pallet Racking, Enclosed Storage Cabinet and Metal Shelf.
150 CAD
Duplo DFL-500 Coat/Foil/Laminator w/Asst. Foil.
8,500 CAD
Pallet of Asst. Digital Stock Paper.
350 CAD
Pallet of Asst. Digital Stock Paper.
775 CAD
Pallet of Asst. Envelopes, etc.
190 CAD
Xerox D110 Digital Black and White Press.
1,125 CAD
Heidelberg Suprasetter Plate Setter.
8,250 CAD
Epson Stylus Pro 9900 Plotter.
6,100 CAD
Lot of (2) Honeywell and (2) AirCare Humidifiers.
350 CAD
Lot of 3M Electronics Vacuum and Uline Folding Camp Table.
45 CAD
Nortec Wall Mounted Humidifier.
450 CAD
2001 Heidelberg Stitchmaster ST100 Saddle Stitcher.
MBO B30 4/4/4 Large Continuous Feed Paper Folder.
210 CAD
MBO T49-P 4/4 Small Continuous Feed Paper Folder.
3,000 CAD
2007 Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 52-5-P-L Printing Press (2 over 3).
65,100 CAD
Heidelberg SBB Cylinder.
5,650 CAD
Heidelberg GT Foil Platen.
2,250 CAD
Monotype Composition Caster Printing Press.
Challenger EH-3A 3-Hole Paper Drill.
1,575 CAD
Suspension Feeder Strate Flo Envelope Feeder and Delivery.
3,250 CAD
Bostitch 7AW #7 Stitcher.
2,100 CAD
1986 Polar Mohr 76 EM Paper Guillotine.
3,650 CAD
Lot of Shop Built Cabinet w/ Asst. Inventory and (4) Electric Fans.
30 CAD
Nortec Wall Mounted Humidifier.
450 CAD
Lot of Shop Bench w/Vice and 33
85 CAD
Lot of (3) Wyze Wireless Cameras.
90 CAD
Duro Reverse Osmosis Unit.
110 CAD
Lot of (3) Sections EZ-Rect Shelving.
275 CAD
Maximum 8' Fiberglass/Aluminum Step Ladder.
80 CAD
Insignia 48
150 CAD
Akilies Roll-A-Coil Table Top Coil Machine.
300 CAD
Table Top Hand Creaser.
350 CAD
CoilMac EC141+ Table Top Coil Machine.
325 CAD
Akilies Coil Flexi Closer.
375 CAD
Marsh TD2100 Reinforced Tape Dispenser w/(1) Box Tape.
130 CAD
Rhin-O-Tuff Punch w/(2) Dies.
120 CAD
Rhin-O-Tuff Onyx HD-7700 Punch w/(3) Dies.
2,150 CAD
TUV 2,200lbs Capacity Scissor Lift Pallet Jack-45
625 CAD
Narrow Isle 5,500lbs Capacity Pallet Jack-36
120 CAD
Narrow Isle 5,500lbs Capacity Pallet Jack-36
160 CAD
Forklift Barrel Tipping Attachment.
55 CAD
Metal Banding Cart w/Tools.
425 CAD