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GD Auctions & Appraisals is excited to bring you the UNRESERVED TIMED ONLINE BANKRUPTCY AUCTION OF CRS CRANE SOLUTIONS. Featuring: (3) Dodge Ram Pickup Trucks, GMC Cargo Van, (2) 2024 New/Unused JLG R1932 Electric Scissor Lifts, Shuttlelift ISL 15 Rubber Tired Mobile Gantry Crane, 10-Ton & 5-Ton Overhead Crane, R&M Materials Handling Crane Hoists & End Trucks, Box Table Press, Crane Runway Press, Miller Welders, Lifting & Hoisting Rigging, Gardner Denver EndurAir ELB99A Compressor, Hyd-Mech S20 Bandsaw, Seacans, Large quantity of *NEW* Steel Inventory: I-Beam, Angle Iron, Plate Steel, Flat Bar & SO MUCH MORE
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