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Unreserved Timed Online Auction of Legion Piping Fabricators Inc.
Venue address
1609 8 St
Nisku, AB
T9E 7S7
Unreserved Timed Online Auction of Legion Piping Fabricators Inc.

This online auction is subject to a soft closing/bidding extensions.

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 27, 2025 09:00 AM MT
Ends from: Feb 04, 2025 09:00 AM MT
Viewing dates
Jan 31, 2025 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM MT
Feb 03, 2025 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM MT
Auction currency
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Other payment methods
There are 1072 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
2013 LJ Welding Automation 45P-500 HD Welding Positioner SN: 034
26,200 CAD
1995 LJ Welding 16-1HP-6.5RPM Positioner
10,100 CAD
Lincoln Electric M85 Helix Weld Head w/ (3) Asst. Carriages
2,950 CAD
Red-D-Arc LN-25 ProExtreme WireFeed Suitcase Welder
1,125 CAD
Lincoln Electric LN-25 Suitcase Welder
525 CAD
Lincoln Electric 30M Apex
300 CAD
Lincoln Electric 25M Power Feed
475 CAD
Lincoln Electric LN-7 Wire Feeder
11 CAD
Miller XMT 350 FieldPro Multiprocess Welder
4,100 CAD
Miller XMT 350 FieldPro Multiprocess Welder
4,150 CAD
Miller XMT 350 FieldPro Multiprocess Welder
4,150 CAD
Miller XMT 350 CC/CV Multiprocess Welder
3,850 CAD
Miller XMT 350 CC/CV Multiprocess Welder
4,050 CAD
Miller XMT 350 CC/CV Multiprocess Welder
4,050 CAD
Hyd-Mech S-23P Horizontal Pivot Band Saw
18,600 CAD
Ridgid 802 Pipe Threader
2,550 CAD
Ridgid 535 Threading Machine
4,600 CAD
Ridgid 300 Compact Portable Pipe Threading Machine
6,500 CAD
Devair 447 Horizontal Compressor, 10HP, 200V, 31A, 60Hz, 3PH
4,100 CAD
2024 JLG R1932 Electric Scissor Hours: 1.8 SN: G200003114
10,000 CAD
Frejoth 700V Drill, 5HP, 220V, 3PH w/ Asst. Drill Bits, etc.
2,050 CAD
20’ Seacan
Lot 35
2,650 CAD
2006 Atlas Copco Compressor, 4,035hrs Showing
1,875 CAD
Lot of (7) Asst. Elbow Jigs including 16” - 2”
2,800 CAD
Lot of (7) Asst. Elbows Jigs
2,400 CAD
Lot of (6) Asst. Elbows Jigs including 12” - 2”
2,500 CAD
Masteel MSH-10250 Shear **Located in Ponoka**
3,650 CAD
Lot 51A
375 CAD
Flammable Cabinet w. asst. Aerosols, Lubricants, Oils, Etc.
850 CAD
Lot of asst. Shovels, Brooms, Squeegees, trash can, etc.
375 CAD
30 CAD
Lot of Asst. Gas Monitors, Chargers, etc.
450 CAD
Aquasol Pro OX-100B Digital Oxygen Purge Monitor
550 CAD
210 CAD
450 CAD