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Unreserved Timed Online Commercial Restaurant & Refrigeration Equipment Auction
Venue address
16612 117 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB
T5M 3W2
Unreserved Timed Online Commercial Restaurant & Refrigeration Equipment Auction

This online auction is subject to a soft closing/bidding extensions.

GD Auctions & Appraisals is excited to bring you the UNRESERVED TIMED ONLINE COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT & REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT AUCTION Featuring: Hobart Buffalo Chopper, Jura Giga X7 Super Automatic Espresso Machine, Omcan Electric Dbl. Deck Pizza Oven, (2) True Open-Air Merchandiser, Alto-Shaam Cook & Hold, Sierra Cooking Equipment, Master-Bilt Coolers & Freezers, *New* Omcan 30Qt, 20Qt & 10Qt Mixers, Stainless Steel Single Hole Wok, *New* Richardson Sheffield Knives, Ice-O-Matic Undercounter Ice Machine, *New* S/S Tables and Sinks, Crown Electric Tilt Skillet, Taylor 428-12 Frozen Beverage machine, (2) Quest 4-Well Steam Tables and SO MUCH MORE!

Viewing and inspections will be February 12th, 2025, from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.

This online auction is subject to a soft closing/bidding extensions, meaning any bid arriving within the last 1-minute(s) of a specific lots closing time, a time extension of (1) minute(s) will be added to that specific lot.

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 31, 2025 06:00 AM MT
Ends from: Feb 13, 2025 09:00 AM MT
Viewing dates
Feb 12, 2025 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM MT
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17 CAD